23 Feb 2014 – Week 8 – Internet Round Up

Minister Don Smith fine tunes one of his many loaner bikes at Campus Christians across the street from Pittsburg State University.
Have bike, will travel: Campus minister provides wheels to students – Don Smith have been helping international students at Pittsburgh State University for 30 years with their transportation problem. He’s setup shop in a basement across from the PSU campus. His inspiration came from another loaner bike program at the University of Missouri. The students appreciates Don’s efforts of making sure that the bikes are in good working order and that he makes sure that his riders are familiar with the rules of the road and making sure they know the safe route wherever they are traveling to. Big thumbs up for Don and his positive contribution to his community and promoting bicycling as a mode of transportation. Original story and image published on The Joplin Globe by Andra Bryan Stefanoni.
Bring Cycletracks to LA – Please sign this Change.org petition to bring cycletracks to Los Angeles. Cycletracks are buffered lanes specifically design for cyclists to travel safely in traffic. This would be constructed in Figueroa near the University of Southern California campus. Even though you may not live here, we want to continue to make Los Angeles a bike friendly destination. As of Saturday morning, they still need 25 more signatures to present this to our mayor, Eric Garcetti.
12 Must See Yarn Bombed Bicycles – According to wikipedia “Yarn bombing, yarnbombing, yarn storming, guerrilla knitting, Kniffiti, urban knitting or graffiti knitting is a type of graffiti or street art that employs colourful displays of knitted or crocheted yarn or fibre rather than paint or chalk.” People usually yarn bomb stationary things like trees or bike lock poles but we are blown away with what you can do with bicycles. These are beautiful work of art! As the blogger wondered how you actually ride these bikes, we are also wondering the same. I also wanted to note that the link on my newsletter did not correctly direct to this page. Sorry about that.
Get anything delivered by bike in Nashville – Bike Shop Hub offers delivery by trailer and bicycle anywhere in Nashville, TN. It looks like the service will be delivered on a Surly Cross Check cyclocross bike with an attached trailer. Pretty neat idea if you want to move any one or 2 large objects without renting or asking a buddy to borrow their truck.
Exporting The Couch Potato Lifestyle (And Obesity) Via TV, Computers, Cars – A study in Canada finds that people who own a TV, Computer, and Cars have a greater chance of becoming obese or developing diabetes. The study indicated 31% decrease in physical activities and a 21% increase in sitting with a 9 cm increase in waist size for those who own all these devices compared to those who don’t. This should really make you think about how important it is to get out there and exercise. Perhaps ride your bike and go on that bike tour you’ve been dreaming of instead of sitting around.
On the One Year Anniversary of His Crash, Damian Kevitt Goes for a Ride – Great article about Damian Kevitt, a victim of a hit and run incident last year, which caused him to lose leg and endure several operations. 1 year after this heinous crime, Damian is responding positively by starting a ride called, “Finish The Ride”. The aim of this ride is to bring awareness of the growing epidemic of people being injured or even killed by motorists while they are out riding their bicycle or walking in the street. We applaud this gentleman’s brave act of getting back on the saddle and riding a year after this traumatic event.
Bicycle tourism news roundup: Bikeway vids, bike-packing 101 and more – Bike Portland’s weekly round-up includes plenty of bike tourism opportunities. They even have a bike packing 101 class in the works. This is great news that Bikeportland.org is putting up an entire weekly round-up dedicated to bicycle tourism now.
Damian Kevitt’s Finish The Ride – Join Damian in the first “Finish The Ride”. This video highlight why this is such an important cause for the safety of the public.

Fortune cookie wisdom.
RT @LADOTBikeProg: Happy Valentine’s Day, #bikela! (thanks to @sfbike for the image) pic.twitter.com/MdhXcstO9s
— BikeSD (@BikeSD) February 14, 2014

Just hanging out at 7th / Grand

Custom swing bike at the Ride 4 Love – February 15, 2014

Stretched out at the Ride 4 Love – February 15, 2014

Raffle time at the Ride 4 Love – February 15, 2014

Tall bikes at the Ride 4 Love – February 15, 2014

Rolling deep at the Ride 4 Love – February 15, 2014

Meeting at the Watts Towers at the Ride 4 Love – February 15, 2014

Beautiful Watts Towers

Ride 4 Love Tshirt

MSR Dromedary bag for water
More people cycling means more money – potentially big money! – could stay in the community. #yycbike #yyccc pic.twitter.com/bDwd9uS7ym
— BikeBike Inc. (@BikeBikeYYC) February 17, 2014
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