26 Sep More YouTube?
It’s been quite some time since I have written a blog post here. Quite honestly, I haven’t really been in the writing kind of mood. It’s been a real struggle to put something on the proverbial paper that is worth writing about.
What have you been doing this last month then?
Well, it’s been a little bit of this and a little bit of that. It all boils down to a few projects I have been pursuing.
One main goal I’ve been focusing on is creating more content for my YouTube channel. In fact, I have been able to maintain a weekly publishing schedule since the beginning of this year and have been very pleased with the results. All my hard work is paying off as I have seen steady growth from my channel with over 600 subscribers at the time of this post.
Thanks to this video! – What’s In My Bag, Bike Touring Edition
I am going to be honest about this: It is so much more fun producing weekly videos than writing articles. Granted it is rather embarrassing to admit this in a blog post, but I need to be honest to myself and to you about this.
The process of writing a script, planning each shot, (minimal) acting in front of camera, thinking of creative ways to get my message out, filming the scenes, figuring out lighting, figuring out sound, editing the piece, and finally publishing it to YouTube has lit a fire beneath me. I actually enjoy this process! I enjoy the storytelling process.
“When you enjoy what you do, work becomes play.” – Martin Yan, Chef and Food Writer
It feels like playing when I produce my YouTube videos. It involves the cooperation of my brother-in-law, Sang Hyun. There’s more collaboration and deeper interactions, resulting in more creativity. Whereas writing an article is a solitary activity that gets very lonesome at times.
I can tell my stories and share my point of view as I am. I have a voice you can hear. I speak with my body language. You’re not misinterpreting my words.
The Proof
But on a grander scale, Cisco, the networking company which helps route and connects servers to the Internet, released a white paper stating that 70% of all Internet traffic will be video by 2017 and that number jumps up to 82% by 2020. YouTube, who has over a billion users on their channel – almost one-third of the world’s population – generates billions of view per day.
It would be a mistake to ignore this trend and not jump in. That is why I am switching my focus here at Milestone Rides to have more of videos for my audience.
The last, and certainly not the biggest, reason why I’m going to video is that YouTube is paying for my content. Well, not literally paying me for my videos, but when my content becomes popular and people are viewing it and clicking on their ads, I get credited. In the last 3 months, I have gained enough to pay for a nice meal each of those months. Not too shabby when you think about the short time I’ve committed to starting my channel.
What does this mean to the blog?
First of all, this blog is not going anywhere. I intend on having this site up indefinitely as it is another channel to generate traffic. I may not be updating as frequently as I use to do, but I will be cross promoting my videos on here and continuing to compose posts as inspiration strikes me.
From a content creator perspective, I am also getting a rich interaction between myself and viewers of my content on YouTube. Before it feels like I am talking to myself whenever I publish a blog post and don’t even get a blip of traffic boost. With my videos, I am getting more interactions through comments from people each time I put out a video.
I still enjoy writing so don’t go anywhere. I just needed to get this off my chest so that you all know what is the current state of the blog.
Videos you may have missed
If I still haven’t lost you yet, here are some videos that has been published since my last blog post.
What do you think?
Now it’s your turn to let me know what you think! Do you like video content or do you prefer reading blog posts? Post your comments below. I’ll read and respond to them as they come in.
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