02 Dec Why You Should Join The Los Angeles Self-Supported Bicycle Meetup Group
I have a confession to make.
I have never attended a MeetUp event, but I just started my first MeetUp group.
Now that I got that off my chest, let me tell you why you should overlook that one fact and join my MeetUp group, the Los Angeles Self-Supported Bicycle Touring MeetUp Group.
You Love Bicycle Touring
This is an obvious one. You share the same passion as I do: you love going on bicycle tours. Even if you haven’t gone on a single bicycle tour yet, you are curious about bicycle touring. We will only be talking about bicycle touring and all that is so great about it. We are going to geek out about our gears. We want more people to discover the joys of this form of self-propelled travel.
You Are A Pioneer
Chances are, you tried to find a MeetUp group like this, but your search came up short until you came across this group. At least that was my experience when I was looking for a bicycle touring MeetUp group to join. I was actually expecting to find many, but to my surprise, nothing in the Los Angeles area. Why not be one of the pioneer members? You get to decide where you want to travel.
You Want To Travel With Others
You have probably been on multiple trips either by yourself or your usual travel partner. Why not try travelling with other people? Share the costs. Share the experience. Build new friendships. It’s fun just being around other people who shares the same interest as you do.
You Want Ideas
You want to know what are some of the trips you can make in Southern California or anywhere in the world. You want to know what real people in Los Angeles use for their bicycle tour. How about access to another person’s previous route? Get inside information on how to prepare for a trip.
You Want Access
Chances are we will get attention from a few local bicycle shops that specializes in bicycle touring. We may even have future MeetUps at their shop to give you a chance to review the latest and greatest touring bikes and equipment. Leave no stones unturned and make sure you have all your questions answered.
You Just Want To Have Fun
That’s really what it’s all about: to live the most fulfilling life and have fun doing it. That is why I gave up my full-time job to write this blog. That is why I try to travel as much as possible. I want to bring people together and get more folks out there riding on bicycle tours. All I ask is that you don’t be an asshole.
Join Us
I will stop there and let you know that the first MeetUp will be on December 6, 2014. This will be our Introductions & Ideas meeting. Please RSVP and sign up to be part of this group.
What’s that? You have an issue with the $2 per month membership dues? That’s cheaper than having 1 cup of coffee a month. I’d like to think that all the possibilities mentioned above is worth spending $24 per year so that you help me with the MeetUp fees and refreshments for our meetings.
Click here to take your next step in becoming an Adventure Rider with the Los Angeles Self-Supported Bicycle Touring MeetUp Group.
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Posted at 17:06h, 16 December[…] adventure groups. Maybe you can convert some people in these MeetUps. Better yet, create your own MeetUp like I did. There are fees associated with this method, but I’m sure it’s all worth the effort when you […]
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Posted at 10:56h, 24 February[…] you told me back in November, when I was just thinking about starting up the first Los Angeles based self-supporting bicycle touring MeetUp group, that I was going to have 12 participants on my first tour, I would not have believed you. But […]
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Posted at 08:00h, 04 December[…] is hard to believe that one year ago, I nervously decided to jump into the MeetUp world to start my own bicycle touring MeetUp group. This would be the first MeetUp group I’d start without ever even attending any other MeetUp […]
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Posted at 16:37h, 08 June[…] Why You Should Join The Los Angeles Self-Supported Bicycle Meetup Group […]
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Posted at 12:31h, 04 November[…] those who don’t know about my MeetUp that I started in October 2014, I wrote about it here but if you want a short explanation, here it goes. I wanted to go on bicycle tours on my own, so I […]