02 Jun 2014 – Week 22 – Internet Round Up
Bicycle Times #29 Features The Path Less Pedaled – Laura Crawford of The Path Less Pedaled is featured on the cover of the latest issue. A well deserved accomplishment as both Laura and Russ are doing great things up in Oregon to help boost the bicycle touring movement all over the country. Definitely one of our role models we look up to.
8 Most Common Beginner Bicycling Mistakes – Some of these bicycling mistakes aren’t specific to beginners only. I really like the point about not maintaining your bike and buying a bike you don’t love or it doesn’t fit you. People should feel proud and enjoy the bicycle they are riding on and would be willing to take good care of it like anything that’s valuable. Check out this list, I’m sure there’s a few things you can learn here.
New Report: Every Bicycle Counts – The League of American Bicyclists documents the fatalities and injuries of bicycle collisions with motorized vehicles. They came out with an eye opening report which goes through each collisions and points out that there isn’t much data to dive in deeper to these fatalities but hopefully the League can use this to help improve safety for cyclists all across the country.
The rise of
cycle cafes – Bike cafés on the rise in England. Aren’t all cafés are bike cafés? Apparently there is a growing niche where they place bicycle repair station along with cafes are drawing attentions at several locations outside of England as well in Tokyo, San Francisco, New York, Osaka, and Sydney. When is Los Angeles getting their first bike café?
Boston Doctors Can Now Prescribe Bike-Share Membership To Patients – Boston offers a $80 membership discount for anyone with public assistance on a $85 cost for bike sharing in order to meet the needs of low-income communities. As of March, doctors can prescribe these bike sharing to low-income individuals. A key fob and helmet arrives to those individuals and they are ready to ride. Many people are interested but with a $85 barrier, were discouraged. Thankfully a doctor’s prescription can cut the cost down to $5.
Piedmont man charged after viral video threatening cyclists – See his original video below in the videos section before reading this article. Apparently, his video caught the attention of local law enforcement agency who charged Mr. Maddox for reckless endangerment of bicyclists on the road. Mr. Maddox issued an apology on his Facebook account after being arrested. Hopefully this teaches him and other drivers a lesson that bicyclists are allowed on the road and have the same rights as motorized vehicles.
Cycle Your Way to a More Creative Brain – According to this article that changing routes on your regular commute actually helps the brain develop creatively. Rather than relying on muscle memory to take you to a familiar destination and back. It is also good news for bicycle tourists / travelers who go on longer journey as they can benefit more creative growth on their own rides.
Shift Your Saving Into Gear: A Visual Guide to How Cycling Can Save You Money – Even Intuit is capitalizing on the benefits of biking. This infographic explains the benefits from a financial, time, and community aspect and pushes the use of bicycle sharing as well. Really good stuff here.
Sweet New Protected Bikeway On Beautiful Rosemead Blvd in Temple City – Our favorite writer and friend Joe Linton writes about recently opened protected bikeway on Rosemead Blvd in Temple City. He explores in great detail the bikeway and points out some missed opportunities as well as what is so great about the lanes. Read about it in the article or better yet, ride the bikeway!
18 Amazing Places You Should Ride Your Bike Before You Die – More good bike stories coming coming out of Gizmodo! This time they are featuring a list of 18 places to ride your bike before you kick the bucket. Maybe not a bucket list but a “bike it list”. I can’t take credit for that term as it was brought to my attention on a separate image meme. Some incredible places mentioned here. I especially liked the last one in an amusement park in Japan.
How to get killed on a bike: Your chances are best on an urban arterial – Unsafe driving leads to more bike collisions, not unsafe biking. The analysis from the previous report released by The League of American Cyclists which highlights that motorized vehicles are the cause of most accidents. Florida ranks as the worse state to be riding or walking in as they had the highest percentage of fatalities. Sadly, California is second.
Garden Grove Re: Imagined – Orange County’s version of Ciclavia? Yes it is. It looks like they will be holding their own open street event on October 12, 2014 so mark your calendars.
Actually, cyclists make city streets safer – Article explains that having more people out of their motorized vehicles either walking or riding, actually improves the public safety as drivers are now more aware of them. They back this up with data from cities that have increased pedestrian and bicycling users and found that fatalities are much lower than anywhere else.
“PREMEDITATION” Video Recorded by Keith Maddox – This is scary. I sure hope this isn’t universal in Alabama. Be careful out there. I wonder if Keith Maddox have any friends or family members who rides out there? Please see update above about this story.
80 and Still Cycling – Outside magazine features film maker, Florent Piovesant‘s, documentary about her grandfather who is riding into his 80s. We can only hope we ride past through our 80s.
Rest in Peace, Ezra Caldwell – Just learned Ezra Caldwell of http://www.teachingcancertocry.com and Fast Boy Cycles just passed recently. 🙁 Ezra was battling rectal cancer but decided to stop treatment last year. We’ve been long time fans of his stories, his photos, and his beautiful hand-made bikes. You will be missed.
Motorcyclist hits cyclist, and posts video of incident on YouTube – Unbelievable! But why is the bike lane in the middle of the road? In the video, you can see the motorcyclist intentional rev up when contact was made. So sad as I am both a bicyclist and motorcyclist for years. I enjoy both activities and hate to see bad blood brew from incidents like this.
Share the Road – Fantastic video made by The League of American Bicyclists and AAA reminding people that bicyclists are people who are your mothers, fathers, and friends. We are also drivers as well.

Roaming around #Cabazon outlet looking for food and found this impressive storefront. #allsaints #windowshopping

Found dinner at Blaze in #cabazon. Build my own halfsie pizza. #foodporn #allgone

LCI 4294 at your service! If anybody has classes for Johnny to help facilitate, let us know. #bikeleague

NELA Mural Ride! Crowds welcomed. #bikela #nela #fig4all

Photo selfie bomb! #nela #muralride #highlandpark

Walking through the pedestrian path. #nela #muralride #highlandpark

‘Merica! #nela #muralride #highlandpark

LTC & LCI certified. #officialbikenerd @bikeleague @adventurecycling

And so another adventure starts! #biketouring #chinohillstojoshuatree

Seeking out shade on San Timoteo Canyon Rd. #caliente #redlands #chinohillstojoshuatree #selfie

We made it to our campsite tonight. Johnny caught working. That’s our neighbor’s tent in case you’re wondering.

Downhill cruise #chinohillstojoshuatree #biketouring #cabazon

BIKE TOURING PRO TIP: Deflate your tires for loose gravel road. First make sure you have a pump. #biketouring #chinohillstojoshuatree #biketouringprotip

Riding pass the wind farm #chinohillstojoshuatree #biketouring #whitewater

Distant memories from this morning. We’re now in Joshua Tree after some crazy climbing. #biketouring #chinohillstojoshuatree #selfie
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