02 Mar 2014 – Week 9 – Internet Round Up
The Chilean company Altuiz is paying their employees to make their work commute on bike or by foot – Chilean company Altuiz will be paying its employee $150 Chilean Pesos for every kilometer that they commute to work by bicycle or by foot. Kudos to the company for their forward thinking by incentivizing their employees to travel in an environmentally positive way. Other companies should look at Altuiz example and think about doing something similar. It’s these little things that will make the biggest impact on your local communities and help reduce traffic and pollution.
Bride plans to marry her bicycle – You heard that right. Lisa Nelson of San Francisco married her bike on March 2, 2014. This is the first step of a series of things she wanted to do to accomplish her personal and professional goal of living her life on her bike. The happy pair will be leaving for an immediate bike tour honeymoon. The idea came to her when she was supporting crowd funded events for her circle of friends who were getting married and having babies. In response, she thought this would be something fun she can do for her friends to return the favor.
Ride 4 Love Post Linked by Streetsblog – Last week’s post about the Ride 4 Love through the City of Watts made it’s way into the Los Angeles Streetsblog weekly review. A clear reinforcement that hard work and good content will be recognized one way or another. I think also shameless plugging wouldn’t hurt. 🙂
What scares cylists? – The Los Angeles Times this past week did a series of editorial which shows 2 contrasting views of cycling for Angelenos in the city. This one is the first that came out which highlights what scares us cyclists on the road when we are riding through city traffic.
Driving with cyclists – Here is the 2nd editorial from the Los Angeles Times which gave a different perspective than the original video. It’s interesting to see that drivers still have misconceptions about mandating people to wear helmets and thinking it’s a good idea to license cyclists when you look at Europeans who does not have either requirements and they are able to incorporate the bicycle as a viable means of transportation in the city. The real issue here, in my opinion, is that we need better infrastructure to support multiple ways of traveling in this city. At the end of the day, drivers are pedestrians and cyclists are pedestrians so we shouldn’t forget that because it is in our best interest to have our city think about this not by how you get around but as citizens of this community.
Ogden, UT is the place for lifestyle jobs – In this write-up in the Utah Pulse, gives us a quick snippet of why Ogden, Utah should be considered the mecca of lifestyle and outdoors related jobs. Companies like QBP, TRP/Tektro, Scott USA, and Amer Sports calls Ogden their home. Even the mayor is organizing bike tours to lure Asian-cycling company CEOs to move their operations to this part of the country. And from the looks of it, it’s been working as more and more lifestyle companies are making their move to this city and helping the local economy by providing job opportunities.
The 10 Steepest Streets in the US – This little fun infographic shows that 4 of the 10 steepest street in the US is in Los Angeles. Impressive if you think about it since most places we travel in this city is fairly flat but apparently there are pretty good climbing to be done here and some people are taking this as a challenge to ride up all these climbs as part of their bucket list. We’ll be watching at the bottom if we’re ever near one of these inclines.
The Los Angeles Times Endorses Protected Bikeway – With the earlier 2 pieces from Los Angeles Times causing quite a stir this week, they redeemed themselves by putting up this great story that LA Times took a good hard look at constructing a protected bikeway or cycletrack on Figueroa. They concluded that this will be beneficial not only to the cyclists and community but good for the business even
Thoughts On My Bike – An oldie but goodie video made back in 2009. The video is a fast forwarded animation of one person’s journey in making sense of the world back in 2009 during the big economic down-turn. She simply goes back to her favorite thing, bicycling, which inspired her own thoughts as she comes up with a nice conclusion. Check this out if you haven’t seen it or haven’t seen this in awhile.
Check out Johnny’s new lid. Like it?
Bike love on the train. These two setup a meeting to sell a bike after conversing on the LA Metro
Sang Hyun’s first fully supported bike tour from San Francisco to Santa Monica in 2011. Day 1 of 8. #tbt #cccride pic.twitter.com/udYux5wxfo
— Milestone Rides (@MilestoneRides) February 20, 2014
Johnny’s first fully supported bike tour from San Francisco to Santa Monica in 2010. Day 1 of 8 #tbt #cccride pic.twitter.com/r57BOw0S4n
— Milestone Rides (@MilestoneRides) February 20, 2014
Scoping out the shop before the March 1st Bike Touring 101 presentation.
LACBC Sweet 16 party. We’re one of the first ones here!
Happy 16th Birthday Los Angeles County Bicycling Coalition!
Johnny & Kacey’s interpretation of the 1998 themed prom.
The King and Queen of the LACBC 2nd annual birthday prom party.
Johnny & Damian Kevitt of Finish the Ride. Amazing guy who is a survivor of a near-fatal hit-and-run collision last year near the LA Zoo.
“The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering”
This driver passed Johnny dangerously close on his commute this week. Let the Internet shaming begin!
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